Characterizing Photometric Flicker with handheld meters

The US Department of Energy selects the Admesy Asteria for permanent installation at The PNNL’s Lighting Metrology Laboratory.

ADMESY TABLETOPS 0138 Asteria full

In November 2018 the US Department of Energy published this report on Characterizing Photometric Flicker with Handheld meters. This publication follows the earlier publication of February 2016 where they evaluated multiple desktop light meters.

Admesy was proud that our Asteria light meter was positively evaluated in the 2016 report, and even more proud that the Asteria was selected for permanent installation at the PNNL’s Lighting Metrology Laboratory.
So nice to read that the Asteria is used in the 2018 report as a reference for the handheld meters under comparison.

Both articles are certainly worth reading for those interested in light measurements and flicker characterization.

2016 article:
U.S. Department of Energy – Characterizing Photometric Flicker, February 2016

2018 article:
U.S. Department of Energy – Characterizing Photometric Flicker, handheld meters, November 2018

Just saying… the Asteria is very small and compact so can also easily serve for “on the go” handheld measurements… all you need is a laptop or tablet.