DFF (German Flatpanel Assosciation) meeting hosted by Admesy
Of German origin, the DFF (Deutsches Flachdisplay Forum) now is a growing international organization of companies and institutions from all over the world, which are represent all parts of the Flat Panel Display (FPD) value chain.

The DFF is a global network for display professionals. They organize several meetings each year to foster the exchange of ideas and encourage networking and collaborations in the field of flat panel displays.
The goal is to
- Meet your potential customers and suppliers.
- Discuss your ideas with other display experts.
- Understand the technology and market dynamics of the flatpanel displays (FPD) industry.

On 5 and 6 July Admesy was hosting an international DFF meeting. This meeting focuses on “Display Quality in Design, Production and Use”.
With increasing performance of display technology the various quality aspects in design, production and measurement must keep up. User expectations are high and highest display performance are meanwhile taken for granted. Not meeting the expectations might even trigger a market exit and failures in whatever aspect are certainly not an option.
So, what do we do to keep up with that trend in display design, display production and technical verification through measurement and testing? We are curious to learn about your latest advancements. Share your knowledge and find new partners!
DFF-members and new interested parties are welcome. To learn how you can participate in the meeting please get in touch with us or the DFF directly.